Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Drug

I haven’t written in awhile due to fatigue and nausea. However, I finished my first round of chemo last week and will beginning my second round next week.  The new drug I will be taking is called Taxol. Through my research I have learned that Taxol has many of the same side effects as the drugs I was taking previously (Adriamycin and Cytoxan) however, I should expect two new side effects. The first, numbness and tingling in my hands/feet related to peripheral nerve irritation/damage and second, muscle/bone aches for approximately 3 days. I am open to any suggestions in regards to combating these new side effects however, I figure I’ll just get some massages and take baths with Epson salt.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Valencia, I found your blog through my dear cousin Karen Bester who is also your cousin. I thank you for the strength you are showing and I assure you that you have already won this race because a positive outlook and a loving heart are the foundation of healing. I have grown immensely from my two "tours of duty" with triple negative breast cancer--in 2005 and 2008, from which I have completely recovered my full breadth of perfect health. You will too. Keep on believing. God is Love. Keep on giving it to and receiving it from everyone you meet, loved ones and strangers alike. We are all here for you.
